Service Offering

Access to imaging technologies and expertise in the National Microscopy Infrastructure is provided by four NMI Nodes. The Nodes offer a powerful portfolio of different state-of-the-art technologies in the fields of biological imaging. Each Node brings in a different combination of technologies as well as their expertise with distinct applications and methods.

Multimodal microscopy

Provides information, spatial, structural, biochemical and biophysical details from the same target sample.

Super-resolution Structured illumination microscopy (SIM)

Can produce twice the resolution of conventional optical microscopes.

Singel molecule localization microsopy

Equipment and experience to perform single molecule localization microscopy with both PALM and STORM.

CLEM – Correlative light electron microscopy

Equipment and experience to perform CLEM using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electon microscopy (SEM) 

CLM-AFM – Correlative Light and Atomic Force Microscopy 

Equipment and experience to perform CLM-AFM 

High throughput confocal microscopy

We enable large number of fixed samples to be imaged in 96 or 384 plate format using laser scanning confocal microscopy. 

FCS/FCCS – Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy

Measures diffusion coefficients and concentrations of fluorescent molecules.

RESOLFT – Reversible Saturable Optical Fluorescence Transitionsmicroscopy

The RESOLFT technique is currently under development at the KTH node.

Light sheet microscopy

Permits optical sectioning of large samples, with little to no phototoxicity or photobleaching and high temporal resolution.

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STED – Stimulated emission depletion  microscopy

Equipment and experience to perform STED in a diversity of sample preparations.

IVM – Intravital microscopy

NMI offer a broad range of intravital microscopy applications with multi- and/or single-photon microscopy and FLIM.

Cryo electron microscopy

Equipment and experience to perform Cryo EM.

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