GerBI-GMB in collaboration with hfp consulting, a group specialised in supporting scientists to improve their leadership and management skills, have developed an intense, interactive and highly specialised workshop that addresses these challenges. Read more
Core Facilities are key-players in modern institutions. Their still emergent role inevitably entails new paradigms regarding their scope and structure. The CTLS2021 conference aims to address several of these points, contributing to shape the future of the technical and scientific landscape of life sciences in Europe Read more
The NorMIC series of workshops aims to teach biological researchers (PhD students, postdocs and young PIs) the principles of biological microscopes and image processing. May 25-28, 2021, Online Read more
Arranged by the NMI Centre for Cellular Imaging at the University of Gothenburg. The course will deal with different aspects of modern cellular and molecular microscopy. Gothenburg, March 2021.
A course for all scientists interested in advanced microscopy. The course offer an insight to all imaging techniques provided by NMI. Experts from the NMI nodes are present throughout the course. The course is hosted by Lund University the 25th to 27th of September 2018.
PhD course in basic Image Analysis arranged by the CCI and powered by NEUBIAS trainers. Course dates are 17-20 September, 2018. The course provides a introduction to image processing and analysis, with emphasis on biologically relevant examples.
The Advanced Light Microscopy facility at Science for Life laboratory welcomes you to a tutorial day covering tips and tricks of clearing and expansion microscopy transferred by national experts. September 13th 2018. Register before August 31st.
The Advanced Light Microscopy facility at Science for Life laboratory cordially welcomes you to an symposium covering applications of optical clearing and expansion microscopy from world leading experts. September 12th, 2018. Register before August 31st.
Join us at the NMI-CCI, Gothenburg, for an insight into the applications of instruments and software for live cell imaging and take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn how your work can benefit from a flexible platform for fast and gentle super resolution imaging.
This course is organized by the Cell Profiling Facility and the HPA Cell Atlas team. The course will cover sample preparation for immunofluorescence, fluorescence microscopy and how to acquire images from confocal microscopes. The course includes both theory and hands on work. Apply before June 25th 2018.
May 27 – 29, 2018 NMI and Stockholm University Intravital Microscopy cordially welcome you to the first symposium on advanced imaging of cells in vitro and in vivo to listen to and discuss with world leading experts in the field. Registrations are open on the NMI web page.
The nine finalists are ready and it is time to vote for your favorite in the “Art meets Science” image competition. One vote per e-mail adress, voting will end May 27th and the winner will be announced at the Symposium Advanced Imaging of Cellular processes in vintro and in vivo …
This course will improve your knowledge in fluorescence light microscopy and image analysis. The course is a mix of lectures and hands-on training. Stockholm University, May 21st to 27th, 2018.
The NMI node in Umeå is hosting a Amira software training event on May 7th. The workshop includes an introductory lecture followed by hands-on training including data visualization, quantitative measurements, segmentation etc. Registration by email.
“Art meets Science” Submit your best microscopy images for a chance to win a Nikon camera. Show that your scientific work can also be creative, artistic and beautiful. Send in your contribution before May 1st 2018.
The purpose of the course is to give training in sample preparation methods, introduction on image data acquisition workflow, and expand knowledge about cryo-EM methods among Swedish researcher. Apply before April 15th.
This national course will focus on antibody based technologies and describe the possibilities of using these technologies within the facilities at SciLifeLab. The course is addressed to current and potential facility users. Application deadline is February 25th. Course is 10th to 11th of April.
The course covers among chemical fixation, high pressure freezing, freeze substitution and plastic embedding methods, ultra-microtome sectioning, immunogold labeling, staining, TEM imaging and an introduction to FIB-SEM. Apply before March 15th, course is April 9-13.
Arranged by the NMI Centre for Cellular Imaging at the University of Gothenburg. The course will deal with different aspects of modern cellular and molecular microscopy. Gothenburg, April 2018.
On the 15th of March we invite you to a series of seminars presenting The Advanced Light Microscopy facility at Scilifelab, the Live Cell Imaging facility at KI and the Advanced Imaging Center at Janelia Research Campus.
A course for all scientists interested in advanced microscopy. The three days course offer an insight to all imaging techniques provided by NMI. Experts from the four NMI nodes will be present throughout the course. The course is hosted by Linköping University the 13th to 15th of March 2018.
This course covers fundamental theory and operational principles as well as specimen preparation techniques for scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM/TEM). Course is 20 – 22 February, 2018. Registration closes February 5th.
On February 7th 2018 the Advanced Light Microscopy facility at SciLifeLab cordially welcome you to an symposium covering applications of advanced fluorescence microscopy methods from world leading experts. Registration ends January 23.
Arranged by the NMI Advanced Microscopy Facility at the KTH. The course is aimed to acquire extended knowhow on how all super resolution techniques work and how to apply them in biological research. Jan – Feb 2018.
Workshop for Specialists – Master Your Multiscale Challenge Tools and Techniques for 3D Light and Electron Microscopy, arranged by the CCI in Gothenburg and Carl Zeiss, December 2017.
PhD course in basic Image Analysis arranged by the CCI and powered by NEUBIAS trainers, November 2017. The course provides a introduction to image processing and analysis, with emphasis on biologically relevant examples.
The Basic EM Course provides general and basic introduction to PhD students and postdocs, who would like to work with EM methods in their projects. The course covers fundamental theory and operational principles as well as specimen preparation techniques for SEM/TEM.
The Advanced Microscopy Workshops bring together researchers from the Nordic countries working with advanced microscopy modalities. The meeting is organized by the NMI BioImaging Facilities in Solna and ZEISS, September 2017.
Two simultaneous training schools focus on Bioimage Data Analysis arranged by the NMI Centre for Cellular Imaging at the University of Gothenburg and supported by the NEUBIAS COST Action CA15124, September 2017.
Test your skills in this online image analysis challenge and you have the chance to win registration to CYTO 2018 meeting in Prague, a complimentary ISAC membership, and chance to participate in a paper published on the challenge in Cytometry Part A. Challenge ends in June so hurry up!
Welcome to SciLifeLab Science Summit 2017, May 3. International and national speakers are lined up to discuss the current state and future perspectives of bioimaging technologies and how they are used in research.
Workshop in optical microscopy for life science arranged by SkinResQU together with Cyclon-HIT (Marie Curie ITN project) and the Centre for Cellular Imaging (NMI Node), in Gothenburg, May 2017.
The NMI Centre for Cellular Imaging, in collaboration with ZEISS, is pleased to invite you on April 5th to 6th 2017 to a workshop focused on cleared tissue imaging with the Lightsheet Z.1.
Arranged by the NMI Centre for Cellular Imaging at the University of Gothenburg. The course will deal with different aspects of modern cellular and molecular microscopy. Gothenburg, April 2017.
2-day training course for facility staff within the NMI consortium. The course will take place in Gothenburg the 14-15th of March, 2017, and it will cover all the details of the IMARIS software from data visualization, measurement and tracking, object detection to Batch-processing.
Arranged by the NMI BICU at the University of Umeå. The course is aimed to introduce a variety of bioimaging techniques to provide the participants with sufficient knowledge to navigate in the field of Bioimaging. February 2017.
The aim of this EM Basic Course is to provide basic introduction to PhD students and postdocs, who would like to work with EM methods in their projects.
Experience the VUTARA 352 for correlative high speed & quantitative superresolution microscopy and multipoint live-cell confocal imaging. December 8-12 2016 at Scilifelab, Solna.
Arranged by the NMI Centre for Cellular Imaging. This meeting is designed to bring experts and students together from different imaging modalities to stimulate the formation of new collaborations. Gothenburg 2016. Read more
Arranged by the NMI Centre for Cellular Imaging at the University of Gothenburg. The course will deal with different aspects of modern cellular and molecular microscopy. Gothenburg, April 2016.
ZEISS has recently launched the new LSM 880 and 800 with Airyscan. This opens a complete new world of confocal performance with fast and sensitive super resolution microscopy. Gothenburg, March 2016.
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